Please check this page each Sunday for the latest information
Location of church buildings can be found on the Our Church Buildings page
19th January
9.00am Eucharist, Traditional (Spoken) The Venerable Bede, Leavening
10.30am Eucharist, Contemporary (Common Worship) St Andrew, Langton
26th January
9.00am Eucharist, Traditional (Spoken) St Mary, Westow
10.30am Eucharist, Contemporary (Common Worship) St John the Baptist, Acklam
PLEASE NOTE: A complete schedule of all services
until the end of the year is available HERE.
The Service Rota from January until May is available HERE.
**Please note that additional celebrations and services will be added to the monthly rota**
Parish Reading Rota: If you would like to read the Lesson in church from time to time Iain coordinates the rota for this.
You would have reasonable notice of your alloted date and would receive a copy of the passage to be read a couple of days
in advance. It's lovely to have people sharing in our services in this way.
If you would like to be included please use the Contact Us page.
General Advice from the National Church regarding COVID19
In line with national guidelines face coverings are now voluntary inside our church buildings, effective from Thursday 27 January 2022 until further notice. We will continue to distribute Holy Communion by intinction (dipping the wafer in the wine), this will be kept under review and distribution of both bread and wine separately will be restored when safe to do so.
Please do not attend Church Services if you have any COVID19 symptoms